- So you've organized your dock with all your favorite apps...
- and you've applied all those sweet icons....
- You have all the settings and docklets tweaked just the way you want them...
- But what if you want to modify or create another dock without losing all that time and effort?
- What if you could have your dock with the same apps but different icon "themes"?
- or what if you could have different docks "themes" with totally different apps? Perhaps all games together on one, or all your productivity apps?
- and what if you could have all of these and switch back and forth between them with a click of your mouse....
I desired the ability to do these things myself, so some time ago I created a version of this utility that was based on a couple of simple batch files that transferred setting to and from the RocketDock keys in the Windows Registry. I posted my batch files on the RocketDock user forums but alas they are no longer with us, and I have long since lost my copies....
Now that RocketDock has the user option of saving it's settings in an ini file instead of the registry I decided it was time for a new version that was easier, had more features, and didn't have to mess with the registry.
I'm no programming wizard by any stretch of the imagination but i managed to cobble together this single batch file that performs the features that I wanted.
Running the DockSaver batch file:
- command prompt window asks user for theme filename
- current dock settings are saved to 'theme-name.ini' file
- current docklet settings are saved to 'theme-name_docklets.ini' file
- a 'theme-name.bat' batch' file is created. This file is used to re-call the saved dock theme
- RocketDock is shut-down
- 'theme-name.ini' is saved to current settings
- 'theme-name_docklets.ini' is saved to current docklet settings
- RocketDock is re-started
- your saved dock with all preferences intact appears as if by magic!
- Create a folder named 'Themes' in your RocketDock main folder (C:/Program Files/RocketDock/Themes/)
- Save ''RocketDock Theme Saver.bat' batch file to this folder
- All auto created theme files are saved here in the 'Theme' folder
- install NirCmd freeware command-line tool. This is REQUIRED for the batch to work as the built-in Windows batch commands lack some basic functions on most platforms. This is one small exe file and goes in your Windows directory
- IMPORTANT! -- You must choose to have RocketDock store it's internal setting in ini format vs. default Windows Registry location.
Dock Settings window -> General tab -> second option 'Store settings in a Portable INI' must be enabled.
Obviously you need a way to interact with the automatically created theme files. The simplest way is to simply open the 'Themes' folder and double-click the your-saved-filename.bat file of your choice to 'install' your theme. Or you could create a folder of shortcuts...
You can get more elaborate of course. I, for example, use ShortPop for my 'Start Menu'. Others use KKMenu. You could make a theme 'list' menu using one of these docklet utilities. I actually use a method of creating menus for all of my dock icons, one of which is for my Themes, that is based on hidden system folders and editable registry entries. You can see this in some of the screenshots below.
- Due to a limitation of batch file programming (or my own ignorance) you can not use a space when choosing your theme filename. ie. FlibbertyBlit is ok, but Flibberty Blit would be truncated to just Flibberty.
- I've found that the docklets settings can some times get a little messed up and may require manual editing of the created theme-docklets.ini files to load properly
update may13.08 : Tweaked the 'delay' again. Added crucial info above regarding an RD setting for saving settings in an ini file. doh! And elaborated/corrected/enhanced information above. Also included more info with the download package.
One thing about running a batch file... They always pop up a command window even if just for a split second. Doesn't really affect function at all, but wouldn't it be nice if this didn't happen for a more seamless visual appeal when 're-calling' a saved theme?
I found a very simple script that does just that. It hides the command window. The script is called 'invisible.vbs' and was gleaned from ericphelps.com (more specific info at http://www.ericphelps.com/batch/samples/invisible.txt)
I made this for myself, but I thought I would share it just in case anyone else might find it useful. It's my little attempt at helping the RocketDock community. After all Poly and Skunkie have been ever so generous in putting so much work and time into creating RocketDock itself. And they give it away for free! Thank you Punks!! :-)
Hi, I tried to use this app but it didn't work, I do everything as you said, but my themes are not created, no .bat file appears anywhere, I have no idea what could be wrong, please, if you can help me, I'll apreciate it.
Maybe I didn't instales corrctly the nircmd soft...? or I need some kind of special config of my RocketDock...? I don't know...
Only thing I can think of off the top of my head is maybe the file/folder paths are not the same on your system...?
If you open the .bat file in a text editor you will see where I have set the path to the folder. If necessary change that to yours (if different?)
Let me know what happens please, and sorry for the delay in responding.... total virus infectio n that had me offline for quite some time.... :-(
Thanks for ypur help, now it works great, you were right. My path are in spanish (I'm from Chile actually :P) and all problems are solved now, actually I didn't make any changes in the file, instead I re-instaled the app in a "Program Files" folder that was allready created in my pc when I instaled another app some time ago (in spanish the folder name is "Archivos de Programa") I did it thi way 'cause it was easier than change all the path in the .bat file. Now it all works great, thanks for your help, and sorry for the delay but I was on vacations, far from home and my PC.
Due to RocketDock's recent Aneurysm, this download is no longer available. Can you re-submit it to be hosted or find a new host? Thanks!
Thanks for the heads-up b-rent. I wasn't aware of the break down...
Anyway, all is well now. I have repaired the broken download link.
I like the idea of this program, but can't get it to work correctly. Everything seems in place. It creates the .bat file and .ini files in the "themes" folder I created in the rocketdock folder. The problem is, only one icon has a path in the .ini file. I tried saving 2 themes, and they both only saved the one path in the .ini file. It happens to be the same docklet (the clock) with different png's. The rest of the docklets have no paths. I tried putting my own path in the .ini file, but that didn't work either. One other thing, when I click the bat file of one of the themes, rocketdock closes and doesn't restart. I click the same bat file, rocketdock starts with only the one docklet changed. I have the invisible.vbs in the themes folder and the NirCmd in the windows directory. Would love it if I could get this to work. I love changing my themes on a weekly basis, but hate having to mess with all the icon changing in the dock. Thanks a bunch.
Thanks for your help monkey. Everything wokrs great now!
lmao where have you been all my life ^^
but no seriously, is there a dummy-proof version? I know comps somewhat, but all that is way beyond me.
I've been searching for weeks to find a way to do this too lmao
Jeanie... and everyone else.
yay can't wait to check it out ^_^ thank you ^_^
RocketDock uses besides making us look more attractive can also make us more easily in open applications,, y thanks for the article may be useful to me
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